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Posts categorized under Silvia Pereida, Author at What's the DEEL?

Seattle King County’s Public Health Nurses Bridge Knowledge and Equity for Healthy Kids 

Public Health – Seattle & King County (PHSKC) has a diverse team of child health specialists supporting a healthy start for Seattle’s children while unlocking the full potential of early learning educators. The Child Care Health Program (CCHP) provides consultations to child care sites across Seattle, including those who offer… [ Keep reading ]

BrightSpark Early Learning Services: Sparking Connections to Child Care Services for Seattle Families with Homeless Child Care Subsidies

For over eight years, BrightSpark Early Learning Services has partnered with DEEL through the Homeless Child Care Subsidy Program (HCCSP). HCCSP is a low-barrier program predominantly serving families experiencing homelessness and facing challenges accessing child care programs.

Seattle Preschool Program Wins Third National Gold Medal for High-Quality, Accessible Early Learning Programming 

The Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) has received a third gold medal for high-quality preschool programming. This is the seventh year SPP has received national recognition.

Announcing DEEL’s 2025 Funding Opportunities!

Save the date for upcoming grants supporting kindergarten readiness. A preview of DEEL’s 2025 funding opportunities is available now on our website! The mission of the Department of Education and Early Learning is to transform the lives of Seattle’s children, youth, and families through strategic investments in education. We envision a… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Child Care Staff to Receive Up to $2.8M in Workforce Support 

The Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is proud to announce it will provide up to $2.8 million to support child care workers.

Hilltop Children’s Center: Meeting the unique requirements of a child’s development 

How Hilltop blends classroom observations and play within the Seattle Preschool Program.

Hearing, Speech, and Deaf Center: Rosen Family Preschool Dual Language Initiative 

Located in Seattle’s Madison Valley, the Hearing, Speech, and Deaf Center (HSDC) Rosen Family Preschool offers two Seattle Preschool Program classrooms for three- and four-year-olds, serving deaf and hard of hearing children and families. HSDC is part of the new SPP classroom expansion for the 2024-2025 school year and a recipient of facilities grant funding for classroom improvements in 2022.  

Now Open: Seattle Preschool Program Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

The Seattle Department of Education & Early Learning is accepting applications from center-based early learning providers seeking to join Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) or expand their existing SPP contracts.

DEEL and BrightSpark to Provide Child Care Staff Retention Payments in Early 2025 

The Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) and BrightSpark Early Learning Services are excited to announce that Child Care Worker Retention Payments will be available in early 2025. The distribution amount will be up to $2.9 million allocated from the City’s 2024 budget. This initiative and one-time payment… [ Keep reading ]

DEEL Seeking Applicants For FEPP Levy Oversight Committee

LOC members will help guide and monitor the 2018 FEPP Levy’s progress towards achieving educational goals. Apply today!