Are you an administrator or child care provider at a DCYF-licensed family child care or center based program located within the boundaries of the City of Seattle? If so, you may be eligible to apply for a child care recognition payment!
In appreciation of the valuable work Seattle home-based and center-based child care workers have been performing during the COVID-19 public health emergency, the City of Seattle allocated over $2.9M from the Seattle Rescue Plan to offer child care workers a recognition payment. The Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is proud to partner with Child Care Resources (CCR) to distribute these funds. The Seattle Childcare Business Coalition (SCBC), in collaboration with the Economic Opportunity Institute, was instrumental in the development of this opportunity and passionately advocated on behalf of childcare workers.
Beginning September 20, home and center-based child care programs can apply for a one-time child care recognition payment on behalf of eligible employees. The exact amount for the recognition payment depends on the total number of employees represented through the applications of eligible programs.
Applications will be available in English, Amharic, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Oromo, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese on this page on September 20. The deadline to submit applications is October 11, 2021.
Eligibility Criteria:
Child care programs eligible to apply:
- Are a DCYF-licensed family child care provider or center based program who is currently open, accepting children, and has enrolled and served at least one child within the last six months of this year.
- Are located within the boundaries of the City of Seattle. Sites located in unincorporated King County or other cities are not eligible. There is no requirement that employees live within the City of Seattle.
Eligible employees:
- Are, and have been for at least 6 months in 2021, working on site in a DCYF-licensed family child care or center-based child care program which is located in the City of Seattle. There is no requirement that eligible employees live within the City of Seattle.
- Include FCC licensees who work directly with children, whether or not they have employees.
Information Sessions:
Please join us at any of the following information sessions to learn more about this funding opportunity. All sessions will take place via Zoom from 6:30pm – 7:45pm.
- Tuesday, September 7, English Session https://childcare.zoom.us/j/99193854585
- Thursday, September 9 Spanish Session https://childcare.zoom.us/j/93231865089
- Tuesday, September 14 Somali Session https://childcare.zoom.us/j/99324308239
- Wednesday, September 15 English Session https://childcare.zoom.us/j/94721335626
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):
English – Amharic – Arabic – Chinese – Oromo – Somali – Spanish – Vietnamese
Application Timeline:
Release Date: September 20, 2021
Application Deadline: October 11, 2021
Apply Today:
Use the links below to view and complete the application, available in several languages:
Caution: Beware of scams! This application is FREE to apply for. If you need help with your application, contact Child Care Resources at the number listed below.
For Questions and Assistance:
For questions, interpretation services or assistance, please contact Child Care Resources at 1-800-446-1114 or grants@childcare.org.