Opportunity to Join the Seattle Preschool Program for 2024-25
The Seattle Department of Education & Early Learning is accepting applications from center-based early learning providers seeking to join Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) or expand existing SPP classrooms at their site. SPP is funded by the 2018 Families, Education, Preschool and Promise Levy to provide Seattle children ages 3- and 4-years old with accessible, high-quality preschool services designed to improve their readiness for school and support their subsequent academic achievement.
Approximately $2.3 million is available to contract for six new SPP classrooms for the 2024-25 school year, which may include any combination of the following:
- Classroom expansion through new providers identified through this RFQ
- Classroom expansion through existing SPP providers
- Direct contracting with eligible entities
This RFQ is intended for center-based programs, including programs operating in Seattle Public Schools buildings. Family Child Care (FCC) programs interested in participating in SPP are not eligible to apply using this application, and should instead contact one of SPP’s FCC Hub administrators at BrightSpark Early Learning Services or Tiny Tots Early Learning Collaborative for more information.
Visit DEEL’s website to learn more and access the application materials. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. PST. In-language assistance including meeting interpretation and document translation is available upon request at DEELfunding@seattle.gov or (206) 386-1050.
Please note: Changes to the funding process and timeline may occur. DEEL will not provide individual notice of changes, and applicants are responsible for regularly checking our Funding Opportunities web page for technical assistance information, updates, clarifications, or amendments.