The Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) Summer Learning Programs Request for Investment (RFI) is a 3-year grant that supports academic and enrichment programs for Seattle-based K-12 students in summer 2024, 2025, and 2026. This award is intended to prepare students for the new school year with new knowledge and skills to help them succeed and transition to college and careers. Funded proposals are community-informed and provide safe and culturally affirming environments for youth to explore their academic interests while receiving enrichment and social-emotional learning. Community-based organizations and city agencies that are serving youth disproportionately impacted by inequities in education are eligible to apply. Awards range between $30,000 to $80,000 per awardee, per year, for summer 2024, 2025, and 2026.
Funded strategies include:
- Academic Learning providing additional academic instruction, accelerated learning, or cross-curricular/project-based learning supporting academic outcomes in one or more content areas.
- Social Emotional Learning & Enrichment providing opportunities for youth to connect with peers and build key 21st Century Skills including critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration. Proposals may include, but are not limited to, project-based activities, creative pursuits, cultural identity exploration, outdoor learning experiences, or activities to develop student skills in managing emotions, setting and achieving goals, and persevering through adversity.
- College & Career Readiness supporting youth to explore and prepare for college and career pathways. Proposals may include, but are not limited to, college and post-secondary planning, project-based learning, career fairs, site visits, internships, and family engagement in the college-going process.
Summer programs must take place for at least four (4) consecutive weeks and no longer than eight (8) weeks between late June and end of August, each year of this RFI, for at least twenty (20) hours per week.
Eligible applicants must demonstrate the following (additional and specific eligibility criteria is listed in the application):
- Commitment to racial equity, cultural responsiveness, and directing resources to student populations based on the unique needs of historically underserved communities
- History of serving students furthest away from educational justice, including students not yet meeting grade level learning standards, students of color, immigrant and refugee youth, English language learners, LGBTQ students, and students experiencing homelessness
- Experience achieving positive academic and/or non-academic outcomes through summer programming
- Ability to deliver high quality academic learning, social emotional learning and enrichment, and/or college and career readiness programming that is responsive to youth needs and interests
Awards range between $30,000 to $80,000 per awardee, per year, for summers 2024, 2025, and 2026.
Due Date
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 11:59 p.m. Pacific
Please allow ample time to complete your application; applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. All materials and updates to the RFI are available on DEEL’s Funding Opportunities webpage. DEEL will not provide individual notice of changes, and applicants are responsible for regularly checking the webpage for any updates, clarifications, or amendments. DEEL will not provide individual notice of changes, and applicants are responsible for regularly checking the webpage for any updates, clarifications, or amendments.
How to Apply for the Summer Learning Programs RFI
For more information or to begin your application, visit https://www.seattle.gov/education/for-providers/funding-opportunities/summer-rfi-programs
Important Update: Change in Application Process – from email submission to online application portal
There is a significant change in the DEEL RFI application process: applications may ONLY be submitted to DEEL by using Submittable, an online application portal.
All applicants must complete the online application via Submittable using the Online Application Link.
For Questions related to the Summer Learning Program RFI:
- Submit questions about this RFI via email to DEELFunding@seattle.gov and include “Question Summer Learning Program RFI” in the subject line. Please allow three (3) business days for answers to submitted questions.
The City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning’s mission is to transform the lives of Seattle children, youth, and families through strategic investments in education. www.seattle.gov/education