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Understanding the School Budget

Pocket Calculator. 2015. Photo: Anka Albrecht 

Have you ever wondered how school funding, staffing and budgets are determined, but never knew who to ask?

The Seattle Public Schools finance team is excited to present an evening dedicated to understanding the school budget process on January 25, 2016.

Mark your calendar now for this fun and informative evening event!

Understanding the School Budget
Auditorium of the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence
January 25, 2016, from 6 until 8 p.m.

They’ll share helpful information such as:

  • When the 2016-17 school planning dates occur
  • An overview of the budgeting process
  • How funding is determined and schools are staffed, including understanding information around class sizes and the process for parent involvement

Individuals who may need an auxiliary aid or service for this event should contact Patricia Stambor by phone at 206-252-0204 email by Wednesday, January 20.