Our belief is that high-quality summer learning is critical to closing the achievement gap.
Summer learning opportunities are focusing on students who meet some of the following criteria:
- Children with no prior preschool experience
- Children who have been identified as not meeting standards on
- Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
- Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA)
- Students who failed at least one core course during the first semester
- Students who received more than 5 absences during the first semester
In Summer 2016, the Families and Education Levy will invest a total of $2.3 million in high-quality summer learning programs that serve more than 2,000 of Seattle’s students.
- If you are a school or community based organization interested in applying for funding, please see current “Funding Opportunities.”
- If you are a student or parent interested in summer programs, please see our list below and contact the program directly.
Levy Funded Summer Programs
Elementary Summer Learning–click here for details
- Denise Louie – Camp Panda Kindergarten Readiness Program
- Launch – Leap Ahead Kindergarten Readiness Program
- Neighborhood House Kindergarten Readiness Program
- Southwest Early Learning Kindergarten Readiness Program
- Catholic Community Services Youth Tutoring Program
- Chinese Information and Service Center
- Graham Hill Elementary / South Shore PreK-8 Camp 98118
- John Muir Elementary
- Seattle Parks & Recreation Northgate Summer Academy
Middle School Summer Learning–click here for details
- Boys & Girls Club – “Work, Learn & Earn” Teen Summer Camp
- Computing Kids – “Code Your Future” Computer Science Camp
- Denny Middle School Westside Scholars Academy
- El Centro de la Raza Roberto Maestas Summer Learning Program
- Seattle Parks & Recreation Parks Academy of Learning (McClure MS)
- Seattle Parks & Recreation Parks Academy of Learning (Mercer MS)
- University of Washington Native Youth Enrichment Program (NYEP)
- Woodland Park Zoo ZooCrew Summer Learning Experience
- YMCA Y.U. LEARN @ Hamiliton MS
- YMCA Y.U. LEARN @ Jane Addams Middle School
High School Summer Learning–click here for details
- Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA) Literacy and Math Academy
- Seattle Public Schools High School Credit Retrieval
- SW Youth & Families Services Young Writers Workshop
- YMCA (Franklin HS) Level 9 Program
- YMCA (Chief Sealth HS) Level 9 Program
- YMCA Project 206 Program