The Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is notifying organizations, consultants, specialists, and any other entities providing services described in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) of a funding opportunity through the City of Seattle 2018 Families, Education, Preschool and Promise (FEPP) Levy.
The purpose of the Comprehensive Supports RFQ is to solicit applications to identify qualified organizations and individuals to provide time-limited, teacher-focused, classroom-level services to early learning providers participating in the Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) and the SPP Pathway.
Identified organizations and individuals will work with preschool teachers who need additional and intensive coaching and/or support and have already utilized their agency’s resources. These services are intended to build the capacity and skills of preschool teachers working with a small number of children who need intensive strategies inclusive of, but not limited to, behavioral, developmental, and/or connected to family/childhood trauma.
DEEL has approximately $400,000 available for 2020 to contract with selected applicants from this RFQ. To be considered for funding, eligible applicants are invited to submit an RFQ application by December 2, 2019. DEEL reserves the right to re-release this RFQ throughout the FEPP Levy period. Executed contracts will have evaluation and performance expectations.
A review panel will assess applications but may also elect to conduct interviews or site visits to gather further information or clarify questions.
On Friday, November 1, there will be a webinar available online for those interested in applying. There will also be two public information sessions:
Tuesday, November 5 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 2100 Building, The Board Room 2100 24th Avenue South, Seattle |
You can RSVP for the information sessions here.
For more information, or to download the RFQ application, go to the DEEL website: http://www.seattle.gov/education/for-providers/funding-opportunities