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Search Results for Tulsa International Airport ℡ 𝟏⁃𝟖𝟎𝟎⁃𝟐𝟔𝟓⁃𝟗𝟓𝟖𝟏 ✅ booking phone number

Child Care Stabilization Fund Opens COVID Relief Funding for Seattle Child Care Providers

Applications for more than $2 million in grants for licensed child care providers, and family, friend, and neighbor caregivers in Seattle opened on January 15, 2021, as part of the…

More Than Half of Seattle Public Schools Graduating Seniors Apply for Seattle Promise

SEATTLE —The day after Valentine’s Day was even sweeter for more than half of Seattle Public High Schools graduates who applied for two years (or up to 90 credits) of…

DEEL Awards Nearly $3M to Child Care Workers in Appreciation of Their Service to Seattle Families Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic

…who are then responsible for distributing funds to workers. Funds allocation was based on the total number of employees represented through eligible programs that applied, including both center- and home-based providers who operate within the boundaries of Seattle. Programs eligible for funding are licensed by the Washington Department of…

Summer School in Seattle

Denny International Middle School’s Summer of Learning As August begins, the Westside Scholars at Denny International Middle School are finishing up five weeks of academics and enrichment classes. Over…

Student Mental Health Pilot Expanding to Additional Schools

…SCHOOL YEAR MENTAL HEALTH PILOT The first schools to pilot services—Aki Kurose, Denny, Rainier Beach, Chief Sealth International, and Ingraham—were identified by DEEL and PHSKC based on elevated student…

Child Care Staff to Receive Up to $5.3 Million to Support Workforce

…Applications will be available in Amharic, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), English, Oromo, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The amount per worker will be determined based on the number of eligible staff identified…

Kingmakers of Seattle Expands to Franklin and Cleveland STEM High Schools for 2021-2022 School Year

…four pilot schools—Interagency High School and Aki Kurose, Asa Mercer, and Denny International Middle Schools—bringing the total number of schools offering Kingmakers to six. Kingmakers of Seattle offers positive identity…

City expands Seattle Preschool Program classrooms, opens applications for 2017-18 school year

…add 20 new classrooms for the 2017-2018 school year, bringing the total number of classrooms to 53. The program will serve more than 1,000, three- and four-year-old students. The new…

Tiny Trees (Seattle PreK Pathway Program)–Highlighted as innovative new partner with Seattle Parks

…between flowers and record the color, shape and number of petals to share with the class; and with a pile of leaves and twigs, they build sculptures and art that…

City Announces New Seattle Preschool Program Classrooms and Opening of 2021-2022 Applications

…and 14 new classrooms to be added in the fall, bringing the total number of SPP classrooms to 129 and total number of preschool slots to more than 2,000. Joining the family of SPP providers are Hilltop Children’s…