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FEPP Levy K-12 Opportunity and Access Investment

03/24/20 UPDATE: DEEL is temporarily suspending the FEPP Levy Opportunity and Access Request for Investment process in response to COVID-19.

The Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is requesting applications from community-based organizations, government agencies, and public schools not receiving a FEPP School-Based Investment who are interested in pursuing an Opportunity and Access Investment from the City of Seattle Families, Education, Preschool and Promise (FEPP) Levy approved by voters in November 2018.

DEEL has approximately $1.28 million in annual FEPP Opportunity and Access Investment funding to be awarded through a competitive request for investment (RFI) process and managed by the City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL). Successful applicants will receive up to three years of funding conditional upon annual performance. Annual award size will be contingent upon services provided and students served.

To be considered for funding, eligible applicants are invited to submit a complete RFI application by Monday April 13, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. DEEL will notify successful applicants by Monday June 29, 2020 for investments beginning in as early as September 2020 with the possibility of annual renewal through the 2022-23 school year.

Key timeline:

Phase 1: Request for Investment                           *Dates and times are subject to change
Request for Investment (RFI) Release Weds, March 4, 2020
RFI Information Webinar Weds, March 4, 2020
Information Session 1
Per Public Health-Seattle & King County guidelines, due to the Coronavirus, the in-person TA sessions have been canceled. Please check this webpage for update on virtual meeting
Weds, March 11, 2020 
3:00-4:15 p.m. (New Time)
Information Session 2
Per Public Health-Seattle & King County guidelines, due to the Coronavirus, the in-person TA sessions have been canceled. Please check this webpage for update on virtual meeting
Weds, March 25, 2020
3:00-4:15 p.m. (New Time)
Last day to submit questions Friday, April 3, 2020 by 5:00 pm
RFI Applications due Monday April 13, 2020 by 3:00 pm
Phase 2: Evaluation                                                     *Dates and times are subject to change
Applications Reviewed and Rated April 14 – May 15, 2020
Interviews and Review Panel Deliberations   May 7 – May 15, 2020
Notifications Issued to Applicants Monday June 29, 2020

Please visit DEEL’s website at to learn more about the FEPP Levy Funding Opportunities, and click on Opportunity and Access Investment, and to view further details including the complete RFI, templates and Technical Assistance opportunities.