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Posts categorized under Preschool (Ages 3-4) Archives - Page 4 of 6 - What's the DEEL?

Partner Chat: Rory Gill, Seattle Preschool Program Teacher

In celebration of DiscoverU 2020, a week of college and career exploration, we’re featuring an interview with Rory Gill, Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) Teacher at Daybreak Star Preschool and recipient of the Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funded SPP teacher scholarship. The SPP scholarship contributes to the early learning workforce by supporting SPP educators to meet lead teacher education requirements (bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education).

Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) Provider Facilities Fund Request for Investment (RFI) is now OPEN!

The Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) Provider Facilities Fund Request for Investment (RFI) is now OPEN! The Department of Education and Early Learning is excited to announce the opening of the SPP Providers Facilities Fund Request for Investment (RFI) funding opportunity as part of the Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise Levy,… [ Keep reading ]

Fall 2020 DEEL Newsletter

Announcing the launch of DEEL’s new department newsletter! Here’s a peek at the Fall 2020 issue.

Seattle Preschool Program: Fall 2020 Virtual Parent Q&A Event

The Seattle Preschool Program is hosting a live, online Parent Q&A Event on August 31 to explain changes to SPP this fall, including COVID-19 health guidance, programming changes, and tuition reductions.

Seattle Preschool Program Enrolling for Fall with Free and Reduced Tuition Options

The Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is announcing modifications to the Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) for the 2020-2021 school year in response to COVID-19. SPP programming will be available this fall in one of three programming options: in-person, 100 percent remote, or a hybrid option of both in-person and remote. Tuition for the year will be 50% off for in-person services and free for remote learning programs.

Celebrating the Emergency Child Care Program for Essential Workers

The City of Seattle’s Emergency Child Care program, launched in late March during the early days of the pandemic, supported hundreds of essential workers in the wake of COVID-related school closures.

Key Investments in Learning Continue Despite Challenges to City Revenue

An update on how DEEL’s key investments in education are continuing in light of COVID-19 financial impacts.

An All-In Effort to Provide Emergency Child Care

The City of Seattle’s Emergency Child Care program, launched in response to COVID-19 school closures, required an all-in effort from a variety of partners to expand care for families of essential personnel.

Three organizations selected to provide individualized behavioral and developmental support services for the Seattle Preschool Program

The Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) has selected three organizations to provide individualized behavioral support and child development services to early learning providers participating in the Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) and SPP Pathway. Funded by the voter-approved Families, Education, Preschool and Promise Levy, DEEL has approximately $400,000… [ Keep reading ]

Ready on Day 1: A Teacher’s View of What “Kindergarten Ready” Really Looks Like

By Erica Johnson, PhD Manager of Early Learning Policy and Innovation, Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning I can still remember the children in my first kindergarten classroom. It was August 2001—my first year of teaching—and I was as nervous as they were. On the first day, I… [ Keep reading ]